Comprehensive laboratory testing

Our in-house lab gives us a convenient and rapid way to look into your pet’s health right on the spot, which is crucial for coming up with the most effective treatment plan for all exotic pets visiting our clinic. We can perform a range of tests for both preventive screening and diagnosis of diseases.

Commonly performed tests

  • Bloodwork – Blood chemistries (to evaluate organ function), Complete Blood Count (CBC) and anemia testing
  • Disease screening (specific for each species) – including Psittacosis, Avian Bornavirus, and Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease testing for birds
  • Avian and reptile sexing

Fecal testing to look for parasites, yeast & bacterial overgrowths, occult blood, and more Cytology, including microscopic samples of masses, avian crop sampling, and other microscopic samples.

Routine blood work is often done at your pet’s annual wellness exam. By establishing a normal baseline when exotic pets are healthy helps us to more accurately evaluate any changes in condition when they are ill.

Diagnostic Imaging

Being able to see your pet’s internal organ and skeletal system is a valuable skill. We utilise tools such as digital X-ray endoscopy and ultrasound to create a detailed picture of organs, the skeletal structure, abdominal cavity, and more. These tools, when used appropriately can provide invaluable information that aids tremendously in developing the proper diagnosis and effective treatment plan for your pet.

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